在维萨利亚物业经理采取什么步骤来确保遵守法律? - Article Banner

For landlords with a real estate investment in Visalia, legal compliance can seem overwhelming. There is so much to know, 从公平住房法到保证金限制再到区分mg冰球突破豪华版试玩型动物和情感支持型动物. 

管理出租物业最重要的一个方面是遵守法律. As regulations change, it can be challenging for landlords 保持在州、联邦和地方层面的法律遵从要求的顶端. 

This is why Visalia property management is so critical. Trying to lease, manage, 在没有专业人员帮助的情况下维护出租物业的风险比以往任何时候都大. 

物业经理有责任确保满足所有法律要求. 我们可以保护您和您的投资财产,使您遵守并保持最新的所有法律法规. 



你可能会发现法律的不断变化使你难以跟上. In the last three years, we’ve seen statewide rent control, just cause eviction laws, changes to the way you screen Section 8 tenants, 要求多户住宅提供有机废物的回收. 

There are also existing laws; security deposit timelines and habitability warranties. 在疫情最严重的时候暂停驱逐,从本质上改变了租户被驱逐的方式,即使是现在. It is vital to keep up with and follow all of these legal changes, and if you cannot do it yourself, you need a local and professional property manager who can do it for you. 

Property managers in Visalia spend time at trainings, conferences, and classes to stay on top of all the changes to landlord-tenant laws. We’re more than aware of them; we’re actively putting them into practice. 

How We’re Keeping Tenant Screening Legally Compliant 




That’s probably true. But, you don’t know how easy it is to make a fair housing mistake. 当涉及到你在营销材料中使用的语言或对信用报告的审查不完全客观时,这就像一个疏忽一样容易. 

物业经理将确保所有潜在租户符合我们制定的合格租金标准所规定的特定要求和指导方针. 这使我们能够对租户透明地了解我们正在寻找的东西,并对客观和一致的筛选过程负责. 

By establishing criteria and providing it to potential applicants, 我们可以确保每个人都明白,为了获得我们租赁的房产的批准,需要做些什么. 

Recently legal changes require all Section 8 tenants to be considered, even if they’re using their housing vouchers as proof of income. 我们已将此纳入我们的筛选过程中,以保护我们的所有者和我们的流程. 

Managing Tenant Communication and Documentation


Also essential is documentation. We’re careful to document communication with tenants. Not only is this a great way to stay organized, it also protects us if there’s a dispute, a conflict, or a lawsuit that arises from something that goes wrong with tenants. 


When a tenant claims that they didn’t damage something in the home, we have the photos to prove that they did. 

We’re also responsible for documentation that supports the tenant. 物业经理负责发出租金增加的通知, lease renewals, or any lease violations that have been detected.  

我们在技术上的投资有助于我们更有效地沟通,并确保我们所有的系统和沟通都符合法律要求. If we need to evict a tenant例如,我们可以运行一份财务报告,显示何时停止支付租金. 

What We Know about Service and Support Animals 

到目前为止,大多数出租物业的业主都知道,mg冰球突破豪华版试玩型动物和伴侣动物不是宠物. They are considered accommodations for people who have disabilities. The fair housing laws and Americans with Disabilities Act supports that, 我们确保我们所有的业主和物业都符合租户对mg冰球突破豪华版试玩或支持动物的需求. We don’t charge pet fees or pet rent for service and support animals. We can’t. 

关于mg冰球突破豪华版试玩性动物和支持性动物的法律有时会让人觉得很难驾驭. There has been a growing trend of tenants needing companion animals, which are most commonly emotional support animals. These are different from service animals; they’re not trained in any specific function. They merely exist to bring comfort to their owners. 

房东们常常觉得,租客们很容易就能把宠物说成是一种辅助动物. 最近的法律规定,任何提供个人需要情感支持动物的文件的执业医生都必须与病人建立良好的关系. 这种关系必须建立至少30天,文件才能被接受. 医生还必须亲自完成对请求情感支持动物的个体的临床评估.

Your property manager will also know when new laws benefit you as a rental property owner. 

Visalia物业经理在确保所有加州租赁物业的法律合规方面发挥着至关重要的作用. We stay informed about the latest legal regulations, perform tenant screenings, conduct regular inspections, maintain communication records, and protect your investments and your interests. 

Partner with Property Manager与物业经理合作将帮助您以信心和专业知识管理您的出租物业. If you’d like to hear more about the current laws we’re following, please contact us at The Equity Group.